Career Coaching is targeted at mid and senior level professionals to provide them with coaching, advisory and support to accelerate their careers.  Integral to every professional Career journey is the opportunity to evaluate your core strengths, explore career preferences and opportunities and most importantly, define specific professional goals that form part of the career evolution. In addition to having successful career experiences thus far, it is the most meaningful exercise in terms of exploring broader options and take time to pause, reflect and think through what the future can unfold for you as part of your journey.  A facilitated process by Strategic Solutions will help you to articulate career aspirations and evaluate options across different professional and growth opportunities is a big part of this reflection and exploration. 

Career Coaching is  to provide you with the required knowledge, orientation, coaching, and guidance on how to unleash your potential by helping you to :

 Discover your strengths by understanding your values, leadership style, motivation and aspirations and designing a marketing plan

Explore options by assimilating industry trends, work environments, and career paths and making meaningful career connections

Create future opportunities by helping you crystalize your career narrative and personal branding while also preparing you for a career move and integration.